Focus Retreat 2025

4:30pm Friday January 24 to 12:00pm Sunday January 26 @ WiNeMa Christian Camp in Cloverdale, OR | Hey there, high school students! Get ready for an incredible experience at our annual FOCUS Retreat. It's all about diving into scripture, building an awesome community, and having a blast! This year, our theme is "GRAVITATE" based on James 4:8: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”

We'll kick things off at Countryside on Friday, January 24th at 4:30 pm and head back to the church on Sunday, January 26th by noon. For just $125, you'll get all your meals, accommodation, transportation, and a cool themed t-shirt! Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Secure your spot with a deposit and look out for a confirmation email with more exciting details.
Student Info

Parent 1 Info

Parent 2 Info (optional)

Please select all that apply.
Emergency Contact

Please provide a contact outside of the home in case parents are not able to be reached
First Aid and Emergency Medical Treatment

Please select one option.
I recognize that there may be an occasion where the student(s) named above may be in need of first aid or emergency medical treatment as a result of an accident, illness, or other health condition or injury. I do hearby give permission for agents of Countryside Christian Church to seek and secure any needed medical attention or treatment for the student(s) named above, including hospitalization, if in the agent's opinion such need arises. In doing so, I agree to pay all fees and costs arising from this medical treatment. I also give permission for attending physician(s) and other medical personnel to administer any needed medical treatment and again, I agree to pay for the medical treatment.
Release of Liability

I acknowledge and understand there are inherent risks associated with some Countryside Christian Church activities. I will assume the risks associated therewith, whether known or unknown to me at this time. I recognize that my student's attendance at a Countryside Christian Church sponsored event is a privilege and as a consideration for this privilege, I release Countryside Christian Church including it's employees, agents and trustees, from responsibility for my student's accidental physical injury, including death or illness while at a sponsored trip or activity or during travel to and from events. This release is intended to incude all claims made by my family, estate, heirs, personal representatives or assigns.
Media Consent

I hereby grant permission to Countryside Christian Church the right to take, use, reproduce, and/or distribute photographs, films, video, and sound recordings of my student, without compensation or approval of rights, for use in materials created for the purposes of promoting the activites of Countryside Christian Church.
Authorization to Participate

I represent that I am the parent/guardian of the above named student. I give permission for the above named student to participate in this activity. I consent on behalf of the above named student to the Emergency Treatment Authorization and other agreements as indicated above. Furthermore, I understand that my signature below certifies that the information contained herein is accurate and truthful.
Shirt Size

Themed t-shirts are included in the cost of registration.
Please select one option.

Please select all that apply.


4:30pm Friday January 24 to 12:00pm Sunday January 26 @ WiNeMa Christian Camp in Cloverdale, OR
Hey there, high school students! Get ready for an incredible experience at our annual FOCUS Retreat. It's all about diving into scripture, building an awesome community, and having a blast! This year, our theme is "GRAVITATE" based on James 4:8: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”

We'll kick things off at Countryside on Friday, January 24th at 4:30 pm and head back to the church on Sunday, January 26th by noon. For just $125, you'll get all your meals, accommodation, transportation, and a cool themed t-shirt! Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Secure your spot with a deposit and look out for a confirmation email with more exciting details.